Pink Shirt Day 2024 - enjoying Ice blocks with our Buddy Class (Rm 4) after a busy week of environment duty around the school.

Tuesday 28th June - Waikato Rippa Rugby tournament. This group of lads represented Te Rapa School and won all four of their games. They were asked to play a friendly against a Year 8 team at the end of the competition - and they won that too. Well done!

Back row - Mason, Toa, Nelson, Eli.  Front row - Zenith, Lennix, Nikau, Tai.

Term 2 Disco - what a fabulous fundraising event. Well done to the approx 400 students that came along and had some fun. Theme - Twins.

Clockwise from top left - Emily & Ruby, Max & Aurin, Natalia & Aurora, Max & Ruby, Kaylin.

HCC Native Tree Planting - On Wednesday 12th June Rooms 12, 13 & 16 went across Ashurst Park to the native bushland. Together we planted a couple of hundred native plants and trees that will develop as undergrowth and canopy trees.

Waikato Tackle Rugby 5's Team - one loss and three wins has seen this team invited to the Chiefs Region Finals in Mt Maunganui.

Back row - Nelson, Mason, Eli, Toa

Front row - Nikau, Tai, Lennix, Zenith.

Matariki - We shared some time with our buddy class (Room 4) to share stories about Matariki. Together we made chatterboxes that contained information about the Matariki Stars.