Week 1 'Kids on Bikes'

We were fortunate to have Desiree and Gordon from Hamilton City Council come to Te Rapa to teach our children some bike and road safety skills.

This is Jayden on the seesaw.

Cycle Helmets

Everyone wore a cycle helmet.  Freya has a mohawk design.


This was the going slow race to help develop control skills.


All of the children were encouraged to try all of the different obstacles. This is Haley on the seesaw.

Room 16 Looking to Lead in Term 4

Front Cover

On Tuesday, 5th November 2024, Te Rapa received some special guests.  All of the children attended a ‘Leadership’ assembly.  But this was a ruse to disguise the fact that one of our Year 6 students had been selected for a national award.

Our first guest arrivals were from the Fred Hollow Foundation NZ.  Meghan Swart, the Media & Communications Specialist & Katie Hart, Philanthropy & Communications Director.

Then came Brendon Green & the TV crew from Kea Kids News.

The last to arrive were Susie Partington, Dispensing Partner at Specsavers Te Rapa

and Amy Steyn, Customer Success Manager from Corporate Traveller, Two sponsors of the Fred Hollows Foundation.

All of the students from Year 3 to Year 8 came into the Multi Purpose Room to found out about leadership only to discover that ISABELLE EVANS from Room 16 had been selected at the Fred Hollows Foundation NZ National ambassador.

Isabelle received a great prize pack which included $5000 to put towards a specific Fred Hollows Project and $500 to put towards a school project…and a cool teddy!

Her sister, Abagail, Mum, Dad and Grandparents, snuck into the presentation and hid so they could see the award being presented without Isabelle knowing.

After the presentation there were interviews of Isabelle and her friends for Kea Kids News, hosted by Taya from Koromatua School.  Although the assembly finished at 10.30am, Isabelle didn’t finish until 12.45pm.

What a great morning, for a great ambassador for the Fred Hollows Foundation and for Te Rapa School.

Future Leaders

Isabelle and Liam greeting NZEI Worksite Representatives to a hui held at Te Rapa.

Yr 5-6 All Star Te Rapa Groove - Everybody.mp4

Te Rapa Groove competed at the Jump Jam Nationals, in Tauranga.  Pearl and Hailey-Jayde were in the team with Hailey-Jayde taking the lead role.  Well done girls!