Term 3

Term 4


Happy Mothers' Day

Wednesday morning - Before School Starts

Pearl, Freya, Ornick, Valour-Rose, Jake and Sam 

Showing Excellence

Room 16 in the Library - Wednesday afternoons

Freya, our librarian, issuing a book to Maison

Valour-Rose using the school database to search for a specific book.

Aedan, Jordan and Liam absorbed in their own books.

Summer and Jarom reading and sharing at the table.

Being a Good Friend

Today we talked about the qualities of a good friend.  I wanted the children to think about being the good friend to others that they wanted for themselves.  Not because it was needed, just that it was relevant.  I was astounded by the list they made.  Although I have put some of their ideas into keywords, it is all their own thinking. See for yourself!   What great children we have in Room 16.

The qualities of a good friend are;

Planting Project with Hamilton City Council

On Wednesday, we went across to Ashurst Park to plant some more native trees and bushes, guided by Amy @ HCC. It was a 'get your hands dirty' experience.

Kendall finding the right spot to dig.

Liam, Evelyn and Ornick getting stuck in!

Jarom replacing the soil and filling in.

Valour-Rose and Iyla planting grasses along the edge

Summer and Vida beginning the planting

Everyone keen and ready to start

Junior Tough Guy/Gal Challenge 2024

On Wednesday, 19th June, 9 children from Room 16 went to Camp Ngaruawahia to participate in the Tough Guy/Gal Challenge.

Flouro Jayden ends the race

Maison poses with Emmy and Serenity

Summer still running as she finishes 

Fist pump for Evelyn at the end