Websites to support Literacy at home

A daily word puzzle game for young spellers.

Watch these Zip and Mac videos to help you learn all about letters.

A range of Literacy and Maths activities for all abilities.

See home learning books for a username and password.

Alphabet sounds app - NZ accent. 

Learn about letters, the sounds they make and practice writing them. 

Download from Google Play and the App Store.

 In app purchases apply.

Websites to support Maths at home

An interactive maths game designed to develop mental Maths skills using quick fire 

questions on number bonds, doubling and halving.

This link works best on a PC but there is an app available too.

Choose your basic facts challenge!

Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division

Begin at Stage 2-3

Number Blocks - Fun and educational Maths youtube clips.

Number Jacks - Fun and educational Maths youtube clips.