Room 21

Welcome back to Term 3, which will be a busy term filled with delivering speeches, running cross country, watching performances from performers coming into school and getting ready for camp in Term 4. Hopefully the holidays held some adventure, fun and rest and relaxation for our Rm 21 families.  

Literacy Learning

This term our Literacy Learning will be linked to speeches. 

Early in the term we will be writing and delivering our speeches to our class. The children will write a speech either to Inform, Entertain or Persuade. 

After Speech Writing we will look at writing persuasive pieces. 

This will then flow into our Reading, where we will look at Non-Fiction text. 

As the term goes on, we will read group novels and look at longer texts. 

Inquiry - Visual Arts

This terms Inquiry is based around The Arts.

This will give the children of Room 21 the opportunity to explore an artist or art form.

Room 21 will be aiming to create something using  Paper Mache. Through our study of Paper Mache and different artists they will generate what they will create. 

Tech Arts

In Year 7 and 8 children travel to Te Au O Tamatea each Thursday for Tech Arts. Throughout the year they have a term at Food Tech, Art, Hard Materials and Innovations.

Year 7's need to be at school at 8.30am on a Thursday morning to take the bus down to Tech. 

Year 8's depart at 12pm after the morning at school. 

Room 21 Year 8's at Tech Arts - Food Tech

Room 21 Mosaics 

Room 21 students worked hard on a variety of Mosaics during Term 1. Here are some of the finished products. Pop in to the classroom to see them all, they are amazing!