Kia ora koutou, Talofa, Ni hao, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Greetings...

Welcome back to Term 4, another action-packed term of learning and fun!  I hope you all had a relaxing break and were able to spend some quality time with family and friends while enjoying a bit of sunshine.  We are still on a high from our biannual camp at Motutapu Island in Week 2, where our tauira overcame many challenges and created loads of lifelong memories.

Outlined below are the major learning focuses for the term and key dates for syndicate events.

Mauri ora!

Rangahau (Inquiry)

This terms Inquiry is based around The NZ Histories Curriculum.

First Encounters’ 

Big Idea: Relationships and connections between people and across boundaries have shaped the course of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories. 


This term we will continue to prepare for our upcoming Athletics Day which will be held on Wednesday 13 November, Week 5, at Porritt Stadium.  More information will be shared at a later date. 

We will focus on techniques for shot put, sprints, discus, long jump and high jump. Towards the end of the term we will be starting our summer swimming programme, focusing on survival skills.

Technology and Arts

Tech Arts continues to run every Thursday, providing a range of different subjects: Food Tech, Art, Hard Materials, and Innovation. Akonga will travel by bus, and covered shoes are a must!

Year 7: Students are required to be at school before 8:30 am and will head down and return before 12 pm to focus on a Careers-based program and other activities.

Year 8: Students will remain at kura (school) and participate in a range of activities from New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) to Puoro (Music). They will then leave at 12 pm.

This term our Literacy Learning will be linked to camp and being imaginative. 

Early in the term we will focus our writing around camp and then look at created narratives to stretch our imagination.

This will then flow into our Reading, where we will look at creative stories, identifying plots and themes. 

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at: 

Mr. Isacc Hunia
Room 20 Teacher