Y7&8 Syndicate Newsletter
Term 3 2024
Welcome to Term 3 for 2024. I hope that everyone enjoyed their break.
Term Three Learning:
Reading Improving comprehension strategies and skimming and scanning texts for information. Extending vocabulary. Also continue to encourage reading independence.
Writing Developing cursive writing skills. Write to inform, entertain and persuade. Draft speeches to deliver to the class.
Oral Language Focus on reading fluency, using speeches, pepeha, poems and text excerpts.
Māori Incorporating daily te reo Māori into the classroom, including delivering a simple pepeha. Teaching of te reo, tikanga and history throughout the term.
Mathematics Measurement will continue. Number knowledge and strategies will also continue to be taught and revised throughout the term.
Inquiry This term we focus on Visual Art. As part of the school focus on The Arts, there are three performance groups visiting.
ICT and Digital Technologies Use Google Applications like Google docs and Google slides.
Health and P.E. The students will be training for our cross country event. “Navigating the Journey: Relationships and Sexuality Education” will be taught by each teacher, unless you emailed Mr Franklin to exempt your child.
The emphasis is on the development of personal skills and attitudes. HEART represents the values of Honesty -Pono, Excellence - Hiranga, Aroha- Kindness, Respect- Manaaki and Teamwork - Kotahitanga.
Tech Arts Continues at Te Au O Tamatea - St Andrews Middle School
Tech Arts will still be on each Thursday. If your child is absent on a Tech Arts day, please ring the school office before 8:30am.
Make sure that your child wears covered shoes for Tech Arts, thanks. This is a health and safety requirement.
Expect your child to have homework from Week 1.
Parent/Teacher/ Student Conferences
These are on in week two. Thank you to those who have already booked times. Do go to the booking site to book a time as soon as possible.
Important Dates for Term 3
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences - Wednesday, 31st July and Thursday, 1st of August
ICAS Digital Technology – Monday 5th, August
Sports Photos - Tuesday, 6th August and the afternoon of Wednesday, 7th August
ICAS Writing – Wednesday, 7th August
NZ Playhouse Performance - Tuesday, 13th August
ICAS English - Wednesday, 14th August
Waimaths - Wednesday, 14th August, after school
Year 8 Speech Finals - Monday, 19th August
ICAS Science - Monday, 19th August
Hamilton West Sports Exchange - Tuesday, 20th August
ICAS Spelling – Wednesday, 21st August
Year 7 Speech Finals - Wednesday, 21st August
Full School Assembly - Friday, 23rd August
Full School Cross Country - Friday, 23rd August
ICAS Maths - Wednesday, 28th August
Cross Country Postponement Day - Wednesday, 28th August
WFPSA Speech Finals - 2nd to 6 September (exact date to be confirmed)
Rhythm Interactive Performance - Tuesday, 3rd September
Looking to Lead - Wednesday, 4th September
Netball Prizegiving - Wednesday, 4th September
Interschool Cross Country - Tuesday, 10th September
Brett Fairweather Visits the Jump Jam Teams (TBC) - Wednesday, 11th September
Interschool Cross Country Postponement Day - Thursday, 12th September
Jump Jam at Boys’ High School - Saturday, 14th September
Battle off the Books - Saturday, 14th September
Instrument Making Workshop - Tuesday, 17th September
PCT, (Police Challenge Training) - Tuesday, 17th September
WFPSA Cross Country - Wednesday, 18th September
WFPSA Regional Speech Finals - Wednesday, 18th September
Yr 7/8 Parents Attending Camp Meeting - Thursday, 19th September
Sports Dabble Day - Friday, 20th September
Full School Assembly - Friday, 27th September
Last Day of the term - Friday, 27th September
Ngā mihi
Yr 7 & 8 Teaching Team