Y7&8 Syndicate Newsletter

Term 3 2024

Welcome to Term 3 for 2024. I hope that everyone enjoyed their break.

             Term Three Learning:

The emphasis is on the development of personal skills and attitudes. HEART represents the values of Honesty -Pono, Excellence - Hiranga, Aroha- Kindness, Respect- Manaaki and Teamwork - Kotahitanga.

Tech Arts Continues at Te Au O Tamatea - St Andrews Middle School

Tech Arts will still be on each Thursday. If your child is absent on a Tech Arts day, please ring the school office before 8:30am. 

Make sure that your child wears covered shoes for Tech Arts, thanks. This is a health and safety requirement.


Expect your child to have homework from Week 1.  

Parent/Teacher/ Student Conferences

These are on in week two. Thank you to those who have already booked times. Do go to the booking site to book a time as soon as possible.

Important Dates for Term 3

Ngā mihi

Yr 7 & 8 Teaching Team