Year 5 & 6 Teachers
Room 12 – Mrs Shannon Runciman -
Room 13 – Mr Shaun Wright -
Room 14 – Ms Penny Jackson (Team Leader) -
Room 15 – Miss Isabel Buckhurst -
Room 16 – Mr Mike McCurry
Part time teachers: Mrs Amy John and Mrs Abby Ritete
Term 2 Learning Activities
Written Language
Information Reports, Topic Sentence and Paragraph Development, Proofreading and Editing Skills.
Guided Silent Reading (Non-Fiction and Fiction) providing responses and reasoning to demonstrate understanding.
Maths knowledge (basic facts, place value, fractions), Number, Statistics and Geometry
Inquiry/Big Idea
The Nature of Science
Classroom objects, Feelings, Pepeha, Rakau
Explore and describe everyday examples of physical phenomena. Investigate a context to develop ideas for potential outcomes.
Apply specific conventions to develop dance techniques
Explore the techniques of drama and its function and purpose
Explore ways to represent sounds and musical ideas.
Share music making with others, using basic performance skills and techniques.
Digital technologies
Explore and use the language of computational thinking - Coding
Health & PE
Movement Concepts and Motor Skills through;
Hockey, Basketball, Skipping, Netball, Indoor Bowls, Petanque, and General Fitness
HEART Reflection on learning
Up and Coming Events for Term 2
Mothers Day: Sunday, 12th May
Rippa Rugby Tournament: Tuesday, 28th May
Arbor Day: Thursday, 30th May
Teacher Only Day: Friday, 31st May
King’s Birthday Day: Monday, 3rd June
Disco: Thursday, 6th June
Planting with HCC: Wednesday, 12th June
Tackle Rugby Tournament: Wednesday 12th June
North-West Schools Winter Sports Day:
Friday, 14th June
Tough Guy/Gal Challenge: Wednesday, 19th June
PTA Mad Hair Day: Friday, 21st June
Matariki Holiday: Friday, 29th June
Becoming an Independent Learner
A major goal for the students in the Year 5 and 6 Syndicate is to work towards becoming an
‘Independent Learner.’
This encourages them to take charge of being ready to learn and also helps them to monitor their own learning. This learning will help to ensure that they will be prepared for future years of learning.
An Independent Learner would do these things:
Ask these questions frequently, ‘Do I know what I am supposed to be doing?’ & ‘Am I doing it?’
An independent learner would be able to answer ‘Yes!’ to both questions.
Plan time on a task carefully so that it can be finished on time.
Look after all personal learning resources. “If I misplace something, it is my own learning that suffers.”
Is ready to start at the beginning of the day, with a clear and organised desk as well as a clear and organised frame of mind.
Know the best way to learn is to ask questions of others.
Work quickly and quietly on set tasks to maximise learning but is also conscious of the learning needs of others.
Set realistic goals and work hard to achieve them as it is clear that education plays a very important part in my future.
Team Behaviour Process
This is the procedure we will follow as a team for unacceptable behaviour. This rarely applies to most students but it is important to recognise the procedure we follow.
Minor Issues
Reminder of expected behaviour
First warning Name on board
Second warning 1 beside name
Third warning 2 beside name
Fourth warning 3 beside name and sent to Team Leader
These steps can be reversed if a child is able to bring about positive change in their behaviour.
Major Issues Sent to Team Leader or Mrs Ritete/Mrs Franklin
Home Learning
This year, in the Year 5/6 Syndicate, we will have ‘Home Learning Activities’. This will consist of activities which are the priority activities to be completed. Each class teacher will set what their students are to do, but the main focus is on Reading, Essential List Spelling and Basic Facts.
Reading for Home Learning
Within these activities will be reading at home. Your child is encouraged to read regularly at home, record this on the Home Learning Activities Sheet and have it signed by a parent or caregiver after each time.
Reading regularly is about encouraging reading mileage and helping your child to develop vocabulary and comprehension knowledge. Reading a variety of materials such as newspapers, comics, magazines, novels and recipes helps to develop a broader understanding of texts. Part of the activities will be having your child read aloud to someone to practise this skill. It is important that this is encouraged to support their learning at school.
Reading aloud can be included as a part of reading activities.
Maths for Home Learning
Learning Basic Facts will also be an important part of the activities. The number of times per fortnight your child practises these will depend on their ability to recall basic facts in all four operations with speed and accuracy. Some suggestions of ways to learn these are:
Using dice or counters
Apps that can be downloaded onto your child’s device
Flashcards (can be purchased from $2 shops or printed off the internet)
Time tables poster
Rock/Paper/Scissors activity
Practising with an adult, saying the answer or question out loud
Other Home Learning
Along with these two focus areas there will be other optional activities on the Home Learning Sheet. Sometimes there will be a little competition within the activities for an optional task.