Year 5 & 6 Teachers
Room 12 – Mrs Shannon Runciman -
Room 13 – Mr Shaun Wright -
Room 14 – Ms Penny Jackson (Team Leader) -
Room 15 – Miss Isabel Buckhurst -
Room 16 – Mr Mike McCurry
Part time teachers: Mrs Amy John, Mrs Abby Ritete and Miss Gallagher
Term 4 Learning Activities
Written Language Narrative & Poetic writing, consolidating basic skills
Reading Guided Silent Reading, Shared Reading & Poems
Maths Maths knowledge (basic facts, place value, fractions), PRIME Mathematics Programme, Measurement
Inquiry/Big Idea NZ History - Early NZ
Maori Pronunciation, Greetings, Feelings. Numbers, School Song
Arts/Curriculum STEM - Explore and describe everyday examples of physical phenomena.
Dance - Apply specific conventions to develop dance techniques
Drama - Explore the techniques of drama and its function and purpose
Music - Explore ways to represent sounds and musical ideas.
- Share music-making with others, using basic performance skills and techniques.
Digital technologies - Explore and use the language of computational thinking - Coding
Science - Kitchen Chemistry. Exploring and experimenting with household materials.
Health & PE Athletics, Swimming (when weather permits), Fitness Games
HEART Reflection on Learning
Up and Coming Events for Term 4
Tuesday, 15th - Thursday 17th, Kids on Bikes
Wednesday, 16th, Japanese Visitors arrive
Thursday, 24th October, Shake Out Drill
Monday, 28th October, Labour Day
Wednesday, 30th October, Amazing Race
Friday, 1 November, Rever Band Performance
Friday, 8th November, Teacher Only Day
Wednesday, 13th November, Athletics Years 5-8 Porritt Stadium
Friday, 15th November, Full School Assembly
Wednesday, 20th November, Book Day
Wednesday, 27th November, Whanau Performance Evening
Thursday, 28th November, Interschool Athletics
Thursday, 28th November, Disco
Tuesday, 10th December, Big Day In
Friday, 13th December, Full School Assembly
Wednesday, 18th December, End of Year Prizegiving
Friday, 20th December, School Year Ends
It’s that time of year again, with the sun shining more and the air temperature on the rise. We will swim on warm days and run alternative fitness for those not participating and when the weather is not favourable. We will notify you by app/email when the school pool is ready for swimming and a start date has been decided.
If your child is unable to swim they must have a valid reason (accident or illness) and this be communicated by email or note to the class teacher with the period of time they are exempt for.
Things to remember:
Students are encouraged to bring their togs and swim as this is part of our Te Rapa School Physical Education Programme.
Swimming and water safety is a compulsory part of student education in NZ.
If children have been sick or have open sores they are not to enter the water until they are better.
All bandages and plasters that will come off in water are not to enter the pool.
Students need togs (girls one piece and boys swimming material shorts), a towel, a warm sweatshirt for after their swim, goggles (optional), a swimming cap (optional), sun block, sun hat.
Sun Smart
With the weather hopefully warming up during Term 4, please encourage your child to bring a hat to school to wear outside during playtime and lunchtime to ensure they are Sun Smart! There is sunblock available for students to reapply when they need to during the day.